Summer 2016 PRFD Results are in!
The Summer 2016 Punk Rock Food Drive was our most successful Punk Rock Food Drive yet!
Since 2009 when we started this mess, we have never raised more meals than we did this round.
But let's be honest - YOU raised these meals. We simply provided an opportunity to give.
Let's take a look at the numbers:
The food that was collected and brought to the show totaled 599 pounds!
Direct donations, online donations, Grubby's fundraiser, raffle sales, t-shirt sales, and auctions brought in $2,911 in funds!
All of these numbers come to a grand total of 15,033 meals raised for The North County Chapter of The San Diego Food Bank.
This is a tremendous accomplishment that all involved should be incredibly proud of.
Friends, family, raffle donors, bands, and attendees - We all did this together!
Thank you for continuing to make Punk Rock Food Drive a rewarding and useful endeavor. The time and effort put into organizing these events comes back a thousand fold thanks to this community's overwhelming capacity to care.